By Patrice Trim
How are we going to fit all of the objectives of the course into the remaining sessions? We needed to help the kids write a script, learn lines and learn accompanying movement. If that wasn't challenging enough, we had to have them film and edit this to create a final product that could be shared in public forums. Oh, did I mention some kids from last week didn't come back and some new kids showed up?
Great minds create great things. Penny, JC and I met and discussed all of our options...Looked at the pros and cons...Shelved ideas and started again. We went through pans A to Z and found middle grounds that would work for and please all stakeholders. We took the best elements of all the plans and came up with a new one. We were ready to create a magazine with the kids.
I took the plan to the kids. They loved the idea. They were excited to get to work. I told them we'd be looking at the Rights of a Child. Reading and analyzing. There was some hesitation. I told them we'd go around the room and they would read the right and explanations aloud. I asked for volunteers. It was like pulling teeth. My nervousness stepped back in. Had I lost them? How would we go forward if they weren't on board?
It was shaky at first. The same kids had volunteered to read and help analyze articles of the declaration. What was happening? Should I re-evaluate the plan? But Penny wasn't there. I can't make a decision without consulting everyone. I looked at them. I was nervous. I sensed their nervousness. I started to panic and suddenly I was smiling. Smile turned into a laugh. I was a teacher for the last six years and here I was nervous in front of students. What was that? Laughter?
Yes it was laughter. They had relaxed cause I was now relaxed. Kids started calling out numbers they wanted to read. We were filling in spaces where some had jumped ahead and spots needed to be filled. We went through all thirty articles. I helped them with their pronunciation. They helped each other. They gave examples based on the analysis and discussion. They were excited. I was excited. It was going to be alright.
Children are amazing creatures. They never cease to amaze me with their tenacity and drive. With my guidance they got into groups that had representatives of both genders. They were assigned different sections of the declaration and they worked together to decide who was going to learn and present which articles. We also finished most the biopoems that we started last week. The older kids helped the little ones write their ideas on paper. They are all excited to start learning them and even though there is some nervousness for next week when we start to practice presenting them, I think it's safe to say that the NA Reach the Unreachable session in Maloney Gardens is the beginning of something magical!
Stay tuned, it's only going to get bigger and better!