Saturday 19 December 2015

I Indeed was the "Unreachable" in the Group

Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere.  We can’t always understand them, but we have to trust in them.  I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith.”  ―Lauren Kate

I Indeed was the "Unreachable" in the Group
by Paula Peters

I knew that today would have been special. After all, I was in Nairobi with an exceptional group of international educators to support Necessary Arts- Reach the Unreachable -Humanitarian Arts program. Our mission was clear: we were to promote development through creative expression while helping participants develop strong leadership and critical thinking skills. I had read the materials shared, asked some clarifying questions of Naima, Suzzi and Allyson, veterans of the program, and prepared what I thought would be the materials needed to guide my group of 14 to 18 year olds through a three hour sessions of creating monologues of a pivotal moment in their lives. As any seasoned teacher, I started the session with a quick inclusion activity, followed by a short visualizing exercise. I modeled a pivotal moment in my life by speaking of  the recent rains in Chennai and the loss of some of my furniture and my car. I expressed emotions of  frustration and anger since would have to search for another place to live. Satisfied that the groundwork has been set, the children we sent off to pen their own pivotal moments.
I have just completed reading the fifteen monologues written and now humbly admit that it was I who had been the ‘unreachable’ in the group. The monologues varied from student to student. Some were stories of family tragedies, some of loss opportunities because of financial restraint and one was a journey of personal discovery. Most importantly, unlike my example, each story went beyond despair to hope and new possibilities born of out of struggle. Each child’s story sent a strong and clear message that when faced with adversity,each of us has a choice to make,either to buckle under the pressure or to develop a strength and compassion that will not be defeated.

Now I know that in order to support the mission of NA-Reach the Unreachable-Humanitarian Arts program, these students voices must be shared with other who are unreachable by choice. Those who are unreachable because they have replace a sense of service and gratitude with a sense of entitlement and expectation. Those who are unreachable because they do not believe in their capacity to succeed through perseverance.Those who are unreachable because they do not believe the answers are out there waiting and that life will surprise you again and again.

Now I know that these stories must be shared .

Youth Inspiring Youth
by Jannick Peters
I am so privileged. I receive a world class education. I am able to travel all around the world. I have the privilege to aspire to study music in university anywhere in the world, to do whatever I chose with my future. What a stark contrast that is to the kids I met in the orphanage today, who have been dealt an objectively awful hand. Most of them are my age or younger, and both of their parents have passed away. They have suffered so much, yet they greeted us with such warm smiles and a strong desire to learn. It was a truly humbling experience, because at the end of the day, what is the real difference between us?

When I spoke to some of the kids, they vocalized and articulated their thoughts, ideas, and hopes in an incredibly clear and powerful manner. They told me that they are thankful that they get to go to school, and for the kindness of Mariam, who they call Mum. Mariam must be doing a great job, because all of the kids look really healthy and they approach the world with a confidence and love for others that is really admirable. I can’t help be feel saddened that even though they did nothing to deserve it, these kids have limited options. I also feel like if they had the opportunities I did, they would be highly successful. 

It was a remarkable experience to be around the kids, and I cannot wait to go again. I hope I can find more ways besides simply donating to help contribute to  the welfare of the kids.

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