Saturday, 27 April 2019

3 day Arts workshop in Kilifi, Kenya

Ray and Allyson finally arrived at Tulia, the site donated to NAS five years ago to empower
its community through the Reach the Unreachable program. This is a special place as it has accommodated the outreach program in Kilifi from its inception. The program was initiated by Suzanne Pautler and remains one of our most sustainable and successful efforts. At this site, we have a team of local volunteers who support the operations and logistics in every way possible to make the experience unforgettable and meaningful for all. Local youth leader Furaha runs the NAS Junior Theatre Company every Saturday and it is with these children that Ray from Sunshine International Arts and Allyson Holder a NAS director out of Trinidad and Tobago, intend to introduce environmental carnival art to the children as they prepare for their performance scheduled for July. The NAS team were welcomed by Furaha and time was spent in a planning meeting where they looked at the daily activities over the next (3) days and formulated a detailed plan that would ensure the expected outcomes. The remainder of the day was spent in obtaining provisions for beverages, snack, and lunch, equipment for the workshop area such as tables and chairs and materials to deliver the workshop. It has been a tradition that this workshop ends with a special lunch for the group, to that end, a meeting was held with Answari to discuss the menu. It was a great day of planning and they are looking forward to the start of the workshop tomorrow morning.

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