Today was a first for NA. Suzzanne Pautler and I represented Necessary Arts at the DIHAD conference as "participants" - not to be mistaken with "trade visitor" if you want to gain entry to varied speaker presentations. Needless to say , I of course ended up with a yellow badge initially and did not realize my error until I tried to take a peek into the main speakers' hall and was blocked by security. We promptly headed to the the correct registration desk where I was given the green stripped badge for access to the speakers in the conference hall.
We spoke to several agencies and learned so much about the different aspects of supporting desperate refugees. We learned how compressed and nutritious food is packaged and distributed to refugees. We stood inside a refugee housing shelter - big-eye opener was that IKEA makes the temporary housing shelters for UNHCR refugees - and saw all the types of utensils and supplies provided for the refugees. Some of the agencies displayed at the conference are UNHCR, International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Arab Ready Meals.
UNHCR Shelter Facilities
We had an amazing discussion with Sherin from International Humanitarian City (IHC) and finally grasped the "how to" procedures for registering an NGO in the UAE. Now, after ten months of swirling around an abyss of misinformation we can finally join the many NGO'S registered here in Dubai. And thanks to Penelope Spencer who has maintained the operations of NA in Trinidad, we can boast of having a "headquarter company" to branch out from, spread our wings and continue our humanitarian work in this region.
Trade Visitor...what do you suppose that even means?! And could you really be one?